Monday, 27 May 2013

1. Student Accommodation
The university has limited spaces in the residences. Therefore, students are encouraged to apply timeously. Accommodation is provided for students in various
residences on campus in well-designed, comfortable rooms that ensure an optimum atmosphere where students can live and study. At the Turfloop Campus food services have been decentralised to various residences and students can select a food outlet they wish to use. Meals at Medunsa campus are prepared in an ultra-modern kitchen and served in a central cafeteria.
NB!! Admission into an academic programme does not automatically mean a successful admission into any of the university residences. An application for accommodation must be submitted separately to the Residence / Housing Administration.

Turfloop Campus:
Student Residences
Private Bag X1106
Medunsa Campus
Assistant Director Student Residences
PO Box 154

2. Sports and Culture
The Campus offers ample opportunities for the practice of sports and participation in cultural activities. All popular sporting activities are catered for. Various, clubs, religious and cultural societies exist, enabling students to exercise both body and mind.

3. Campus Health Services
On the Turfloop Campus the Student Health Service Centre is located next to the pedestrian Gate number 2.
At Medunsa campus the Student Health Service Centre is at present housed in the basement of the Natural Medical Sciences Building next to the SRC offices.
Students are able to have most of their needs dealt with by the Health Service but are referred to the hospital if more specialised attention is needed.
Nursing sisters are available daily from 08:00 to 15:30 to assist students and to make appointments for them to see a doctor.
A doctor is available and could be consulted by appointment.
The Student Health Centers also provide services for voluntary counselling and testing for HIV.
A trained counsellor is available to have one-on-one sessions with students.

4. Centre for Academic Excellence (CAE)
CAE is a cross-faculty academic structure that promotes excellence in teaching and learning on both campuses of the University of Limpopo (UL). The mission of CAE is to contribute directly to improving the throughput rate and the quality of teaching and learning at UL through creative and collaborative partnerships with academic staff and students to promote quality and innovation in teaching and learning across all programmes in the University.
CAE focuses on Teaching and Learning, Academic Development, Research and Testing. It supports the coordination of Extended Degree Programmes (EDPs) across the various faculties of the University and teaches a credit bearing academic skills course to students in the EDPs. It offers professional and personal development courses, life skills courses and other academic literacy in the University. On the Medunsa campus, it also teaches a generic credit-bearing academic skills course to the EDP students and all first year students of all mainstream undergraduate programmes. A Student Mentorship Programme (SMP) is organised by CAE in conjunction with mentor coordinators in the Schools. First year students are assigned a senior student as a peer mentor to support the student academically and socially in the first year of study.


All first entering students to the University of Limpopo, except those with completed university degrees or diplomas, must write the National Benchmark Test (NBT) in 2011 for 2012. There are two tests, namely, Academic and Quantitative Literacy (AQL) and Mathematics. It is compulsory for all applicants to write the AQL tests.

The Mathematics test needs to be written only by students who wish to study for a degree programme for which Mathematics is a requirement
In 2013, the NBT results will be used for the following purposes:

1. for diagnostic analysis for organisation of academic development and academic support.
2. to inform curriculum review
3. for research

For information on the NBT venues, and to register for the NBT, visit or contact Tshepo on (021) 650 3523.

Please note the following:
Students with first degrees are not required to write the NBT;
Students who have already written the NBT are not required to rewrite the tests;

Turfloop Campus
Mr. Thosago (Coordinator)
Tel: 015 268 3351

Medunsa Campus
Mr. Chweu (Coordinator)
Tel: 012 521 4120

The NBT testing dates for 2013 are as follows:

28 May 2012
16 July 2012
30 July 2012
13 August 2012
20 August 2012
05 September 2012
10 September 2012
14 September 2012
01 October 2012
15 October 2012
03 December 2012

6. Library
The Library and Information Service consists of two campus libraries and two branch libraries. The Turfloop Campus Library is a comprehensive library covering humanities, sciences, agriculture, management and law. The Medunsa Campus Library and the branch libraries at Polokwane and Mankweng Hospital Complex specialise in the health sciences. The libraries offer both traditional and virtual library services in support of learning, teaching, research and community engagement activities at the University.
The information resources found in the libraries consist of print and electronic books, print and electronic journals, audio visual materials and online databases. The Libraries are fully computerised and use the Innovative Millennium Innopac system for all library functions, including lending and the Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) to locate materials in the libraries.

The libraries have networked PCs that have been placed in public areas and in various computer laboratories within the libraries. All the PCs in the UL Libraries and those in other computer laboratories on Campus can be used to access the library webpage on the University website. The library webpage facilitates access to the OPAC, online databases, library rules and policies and other related information. For more information visit the library webpage at then click on libraries.
How to complete a Form

NB:Please read through this prospectus carefully before completing the application form.
The application form must be completed by applicant in black ink, using capital letters.
The applicant should make sure that names appearing on the matriculation certificate as well as the ID/Birth Certificate are the same and the correct sequence is filled in on the application form.
Shaded areas are not to be completed as they are for office use only.
All fields must be completed by the applicant.
The applicant must indicate the campus they wish to study at. Please note the courses offered by the respective campus as indicated in this prospectus.
All information provided by the applicant should be true and correct as the opposite will result in the application not being considered.
All the required documents must be attached to the application form.
A non-refundable application fee of two hundred rand (R200.00) - not cash - must accompany the application form. The fee should either be in a postal order, cheque or deposited in the University's Bank Account as provided in the prospectus. Proof of payment in the form of a deposit slip should be provided in the case of monies paid into the bank.
All international applicants from SADC and other African countries must pay a non-refundable application fee of two hundred and eighty rand (R280.OO), All students from outside Africa must pay a non-refundable application fee of one hundred US dollars ($100.00),
The applicant must submit the application form to a Commissioner of Oaths for signature and stamp before sending the forms to the University.
The following Documentation should accompany the application form - NO FAX COPIES ARE ACCEPtable:
1. Two identical passport photos.
2. Certified copy of ID/Birth certificate.
3. Certified copy of Matriculation certificate (if applicable).
4. Grade 12 midyear results / Grade 11 results.
5. Certified copy of academic transcript (if applicable).
6. Certified copy of degrees/diploma certificate (if applicable).
7. Proof of payment of the non-refundable application fee.

1. QUALIFICATION YOU INTEND FOLLOWING: this is the degree/diploma that you want to study. Please indicate your first, second and third choices, and consult the brochure for courses offered at the campus you wish to study at.

4. SURNAME: the surname that appears on ID/Birth certificate as well as matriculation statement/certificate.
5-6. INITIALS AND FULL NAMES: as they appear on the abovementioned documents.
8. MAIDEN SURNAME: for married women only (this is the surname before marriage).
13. RELIGION, the religion you follow (e.g. Christianity, Islam).
14. OCCUPATION, what you are doing currently (e.g. Grade 12 pupil, student).
15. PHYSICAL IMPAIRMENT, (e.g. Blindness, deafness, paraplegic, etc) this is in order for the University to assist with your needs.

16. POSTAL ADDRESS: this is the address where you receive your post from.
17. RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS: this is your home address or street address.

This is information of the applicant's parents and how or where they can be contacted should the need arise.

This information is needed from all non-South African applicants for admission and statistics, If you do not provide this information as a non-South African it can hold up the processing of your application as the international office requires this information to:
Keep track of academic progress or care thereof,
Keep SA Missions abroad and the local Department of Home Affairs posted of progress,
Keep records of all those who graduated from the university and
Keep records of all international students.


31. CITIZENSHIP: (e.g. South Africa, Namibian, etc).
32. Ethnic GROUP: this information is mainly required for government reporting (i.e. Black, White, Coloured, or Indian).
33. PROVINCE: this is the province which you come from (e.g. North West, Mpumalanga, etc).

34. RURAL/URBAN/PERI-URBAN: please indicate the nature of the area you come from.


35. EXAMINATION DATE: this is the anticipated date for your examination if you are a current matriculant or the date that you sat for matriculation examination if you wrote previously (e.g. November 2008 or November 2007).
36. HIGHEST GRADE: the highest grade or standard you have passed (e.g. Grade 11 for current matriculants, Grade 12).

37. EXAMINATION NUMBER: please provide if it has already been issued.
38. MATRICULATION CERTIFICATE TYPE: how the matric was obtained (for those who have already passed matric) e.g. matriculation certificate with endorsement or matriculation certificate without endorsement.
40. EXAMINATION DEPARTMENT: indicate the province your school is in.


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