Thursday, 11 August 2016

Grade 12 Test Questions (WORLD OF WORK)

Grade 12                                                                                                                                                     
                                                                 LIFE ORIENTATION


Various options are provided as answers to the following multiple-choice questions. Write down only the letter of the most appropriate answer next to the relevant question number.

1.1         Being a Public Relations Officer (PRO) for a sports equipment company is an example of:

A     a people-related career.
B     an administration-related career.
C    a technical career.
D    a research-related career.                                                                                                  (2)

1.2         A person with a conscientious personality will:

A     avoid conflict at all costs.
B     intrude on the rights of others.
C    act in a dishonest way to get what they want.
D    prepare well for exams and stick to a schedule.                                                               (2)

1.3         Being a soccer stadium manager is an example of:

A     a technical career
B     an administration-related career
C    a science-related career
D    a people-related career                                                                                                      (2)

1.4         Choose the incorrect answer from the options. Unemployment's biggest impact is that:

A     money becomes scarce and students can't finish their studies.
B     people cannot afford proper healthy food and medication and die of Aids.
C    more people become dependent on the state.
D    more people become entrepreneurs and this increases economic growth.                      (2)

1.5         Being a sports psychologist is an example of:

A     a people-related career.
B     an administration-related career.
C    a technical career.
D    a science-related career.                                                                                                   (2)

1.6         When a potential employer decides on employing an applicant, it can be to the applicant's advantage to have transferable skills. This means the applicant:

A     is able to pass on skills to co-workers.
B     can apply skills in a variety of different situations.
C    won't mind being transferred and is not bound to one location only.
D    has strong knowledge of one specific topic.                                                                      (2)

1.7         Choose the incorrect answer. Work ethics:

A     are formed by one's personal value systems.
B     are formed by how you get along with your fellow employees.
C    determine whether one will fulfil one's responsibilities at work.
D    determine the decisions one will make at the workplace.                                                 (2)

1.8         Choose the incorrect answer. The best way to ensure implementing a successful revision plan when studying is to:

A     monitor your progress but never adjust the plan.
B     use visual learning techniques such as mind maps.
C    use mnemonic acronyms (make up a word that is easy to recall).
D    use summaries.                                                                                                                  (2)

1.9         A person with an artistic personality style will:

A     be domineering and not care about others' feelings.
B     express themselves spontaneously.
C    allow others to trample their rights.
D    be inhibited and very controlled.                                                                                        (2)

1.10       A person with an adventurous personality style will:

A     try to avoid criticism at all costs.
B     be seen as an egotistical bully.
C    be energetic and a high risk taker.
D    prefer to fit in with the crowd.                                                                                             (2)

1.11       Being a personal trainer is an example of:

A     an administration-related career.
B     a managerial career.
C    a technical career.
D    a people-related career.                                                                                                     (2)

1.12       Choose the incorrect answer. Unemployment is caused by:

A     unwillingness of people to work.
B     curricula not meeting the needs of the private sector.
C    mismatch of skills with labour market needs.
D    competition from elsewhere in the world.                                                                          (2)

1.13       Choose the incorrect answer. Transferable skills can be obtained through:

A     involvement in voluntary work.
B     involvement in cultural activities and sport.
C    academic training alone.
D    involvement in part-time work.                                                                                           (2)

1.14       The Unemployment Insurance Fund:

A     may be used by people who have retired.
B     may only be accessed by those who have contributed financially.
C    is a state-driven source of financial help.
D    operates in the same manner as a "stokvel".                                                                     (2)

1.15       Choose the incorrect answer. The biggest impact of unemployment locally is that:

A     people flee to neighbouring countries in Africa.
B     people from rural areas move to the cities.
C    highly skilled people emigrate and cause a "brain drain".
D    more people become dependent on the state.                                                                  (2)

1.16       Being a book-keeper for a sports equipment shop is an example of:

A     an administration-related career.
B     a managerial career.
C    a people-related career.
D    a technical career.                                                                                                              (2)

1.17       A person with an assertive personality style will:

A     have difficulty managing anger.
B     be able to feel proud of who he/she is.
C    become excessively emotional when expressing needs.
D    be possessive and controlling in relationships.                                                                   (2)

1.18       Medical and psychological testing is:

A     illegal.
B     a good idea when employing someone.
C    possible under certain circumstances.
D    compulsory.                                                                                                                        (2)

1.19       Jobs that disappear or change as a result of the changing economy, such as the closure of asbestos mines when safer alternatives to asbestos were found, is called:

A     structural unemployment.
B     temporary unemployment.
C    cyclical unemployment.
D    seasonal unemployment.                                                                                                   (2)

1.20       A person with a devoted personality style will:

A     be considerate and loyal.
B     have difficulty managing anger.
C    be very cautious.
D    prefer to work alone.                                                                                                          (2)

1.21       A person with an inventive personality style will:

A     always be able to do what he/she believes is right.
B     withdraw when faced with a challenge.
C    have an overwhelming need to be in charge.
D    be good at improvising and solving problems.                                                                   (2)

1.22       A person with a self-confident personality style will:

A     easily convince others of his/her point of view.
B     remain silent when something bothers them.
C    put others first at their expense.
D    give in easily to what others want.                                                                                     (2)

1.23       Being a sports field architect is an example of:

A     a people-related career.
B     an administration-related career.
C    a technical career.
D    a research-related career.                                                                                                  (2)

1.24       Companies who employ more than _____ employees need to take steps to ensure employment equity.

A     20
B     75
C    50
D    100                                                                                                                                      (2)

1.25       Certain jobs only require workers for certain times during the year, for example in the field of tourism and agriculture. This is called:

A     temporary unemployment
B     seasonal unemployment
C    structural unemployment
D    cyclical unemployment                                                                                                      (2)

1.26       Choose the incorrect answer. Unemployment is caused by:

A     gender inequality in the workplace.
B     the mismatch of skills with labour market needs.
C    sustained population growth.
D    down-sizing of companies and reduced number of staff.                                                 (2)

1.27       According to the Labour Relations Act, a worker who sometimes works on a Sunday must be paid

A     normal daily rates.
B     with time off instead of overtime pay.
C    1.5 times the normal wage.
D    double pay.                                                                                                                         (2)



Steven Covey, best-selling author of Seven Habits of Highly Successful People, encourages one to have one’s own personal mission statement.

2.1         What are the advantages of writing your own mission statement?                                          (4)

2.2         Write your personal mission statement illustrating your short, medium and long-term goals. Your mission statement should reflect your values, ideals/aspirations, your personal belief system, etc. (Marks will be given to the quality of information presented on the short, medium and long-term goals.)                                                                                                                (6)



Read the conversation between two domestic workers below and answer the questions that follow.


My employees moved house last month to go live with their daughter in Johannesburg. Suddenly I had to find another job. After working for them for 15 years I realised that I had little to protect me.


Hai bo! Lucy, did you never sign a contract?


No, I didn’t know about contracts when I started working for them, and they never raised the issue.

3.1         Explain what the purpose is of an employment contract.                                                         (6)

3.2         How would Lucy have been protected with an employment contract?                                   (4)



You are a mentor to a group of fellow learners who are struggling to form good study habits. Explain at least five study skills or strategies that could assist the learners in improving their study habits. In your discussion illustrate how this could impact on learning and improve their performance.                                                                                                                                                               [10]


You are responding to an advertisement that appeared in the Sunday Times that suits your CV. Write your CV out in response to the advertisement. Do not write the covering letter. Marks will be given for presentation and neatness.                                                                                                                                                               [10]


Explain why it is important for you to have a career development plan and discuss what you need to do to develop your own plan.                                                                                                                                                               [10]


Evaluate job opportunities for youth in South Africa and discuss ways in which the youth can overcome the challenges of unemployment.

You may use the following structure for your answer:

·           Reasons for unemployment
·           Benefits of Learnerships/SETAs/becoming an entrepreneur (overcoming the challenges)                                                                                                                                                        [10]


Explain how one’s personal mission statement impacts on one’s actions in life and how the mission statement of an organisation affects the working of the organisation.                                                                                                                                                               [10]


Give an account of the different types of jobs available in the recreation and fitness industries. Critically analyse the opportunities of at least one sector, given below, in a sport of your choice.

·           Professional
·           People-related
·           Administration
·           Research
·           Technical                                                                                                                                                        [10]


Discuss an entrepreneurial venture that you know of, which you consider innovative, or your own entrepreneurial idea. State why it is innovative and what niche market it fills. Provide a plan of action for an individual who wishes to pursue an entrepreneurial path.                                                                                                                                                               [10]


You have decided to further your education by studying computer science after matric at the University of Cape Town. Your parents do not have the money to pay for your studies, so you are applying for scholarships. Write a covering letter to the applications officer, Mr Jenkins, to accompany your CV and application form. Your letter should follow the correct format and motivate why your application should be successful.                                                                                                                                                               [10]

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